Google Alerts for Building Backlinks: A Quick and Easy Guide

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Monitor the web for interesting new content. How often, As-it-happens, at most once a day, at most


Monitor the web for interesting new content. How often, As-it-happens, at most once a day, at most once a week. Sources Automatic. News, Blogs, Web, Video.

It gives us the latest update.

Google Alerts

In Depth explanation

Create an account: Create an alert. Go to Google Alerts. In the box at the top, enter a topic you want to follow. To change your settings, click Show options. You can change: For example I use used “Pandemic Guest Post”

We can use our project keywords for alert.

In Depth explanation


It gives us the latest blog list where we can also use them for “guest post“ for our project.

latest blog list

I used my project Keyword. I got this result on the second day. My keyword is “Social security disability for retirement”


Why is it useful?

Because as we know very well we are not getting replies while doing 200 and more outreach. If we will get all latest blogs, from active bloggers or owners of websites then it will be helpful.


It’s just a strategy to find new ways to guest post or back links.
